Photos Of Real CrackerboxesTo Inspire Vac-U-Cracker™ Builders. 

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Submitted digital or scanned photos should be taken personally and are assumed to have no copyright attached to them. Please indicate the name of the vessel and its location if known. Submission constitutes permission to display on this page only. Ownership and copyright remains with the photographer. No photographer records will be kept by this webmaster. Please notify and submit proof to Vac-U-Boat if a copyrighted photo appears and it will be removed immediately. 

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I was told that the "P" stands for Pacific. Apparently the class started back 30's or 40's on the west coast running flat head motors and ran at Long Beach Marine Stadium which is on the Pacific Ocean. We still run there today, which is where the racing shots are from that I sent you. Robert
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Robert J's P-49 Claim Jumper. Rob is at the wheel. Dad is along for the ride!
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These are three of his DPI Crackerbox Models.  Rob was nice enough to send more photos.
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Note the two handles for the rider. Very clean, slick powerplant.

Please send in your photos! Check out the links below for some great shots and inspiring paint jobs!